Our Values
Values and Ethos
This school will:
believe every learner can succeed – we will find a way
build strong relationships based on unconditional positive regard, respect, honesty and tolerance
create a nurturing environment
always use a relational approach
develop creative approaches to learning – inventing and finding a way
place itself at the heart of the community
be outward facing and inward focused.
This will be underpinned by our approach being both trauma-informed and by being based on the values of the international cooperative alliance.
Our cooperative values:
Self-help – Encouraging all within the organisation to help each other, by working together to gain mutual benefits. Helping people to help themselves.
Self-responsibility – To take responsibility for, and answer to, our actions
Democracy – To give our stakeholders a say in the way we run our school
Equality – Equal rights and benefits according to their contribution
Equity – Being fair and unbiased
Solidarity – Supporting each other and those in other co-operatives.
Our Ethical Values:
Consistent with the values of the founders of the Co-operative Movement, we believe in the ethical values of:
Social responsibility
Caring for others.
Unconditional Positive Regard
We will show unconditional positive regard for our children. That means we will treat them with:
Genuine warmth
Genuine care
Flexible consistency - we understand the needs of the individual and by
showing resilience
Offering multiple fresh starts
Finding a way that works
Acting positively.