Safeguarding support
Here are some links you may find helpful….
Let’s Talk Teenagers webinars are back
Let’s Talk Teenagers is a series of online support sessions and an opportunity for parents and carers of teenagers to hear about the challenges young people are facing today and discover ways to help them navigate their way through them.
The Daisy Chain Project
The Daisy Chain Project provides pro-bono legal advice to men and women experiencing, or fleeing, domestic abuse. This advice is supported by a team of regulated barristers and solicitors.
NHS – Looking after a child or young person’s mental health
Every Mind Matters is the national platform for good mental health, from Public Health England. It aims to make it easier for everyone to look after their own wellbeing and improve their mental health by providing a digital hub full of advice, tips and resources and a new online tool to help everyone create their own action plan. Find a range of information including Top Tips to Support Children and Young People here:
KEEPING CHILDREN SAFE ONLINE (Guides for Social Media, Apps and Games)
Vodafone Digital Parenting Magazine
Reporting Online Abuse…
Emotional wellbeing – Support for Parents from Action For Children
Safe and happy childhood. Action for Children protects and supports children and young people, providing practical and emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard, and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives.
See, Hear, Respond | Barnardo’s
The See, Hear, Respond Partnership is a new service funded by the Department for Education. With your help, the See, Hear, Respond Partnership will quickly identify and support children, young people and families who are struggling to cope with the impacts of coronavirus.
NSPCC Pantosaurus
PANTS resources for schools and teachers | NSPCC Learning