Uniform Information
Uniform for The Promise School can be viewed and purchased by using the following links:
The Promise School - Schoolwear Direct
It is our school policy that all children and young people wear uniform when attending school. We believe that a school uniform:
1. Creates a sense a sense of pride in the school
2. Engenders a sense of belonging to the school
3. Is practical and smart
As a school, we are committed to keeping the cost of uniform to a minimum and ensuring that it provides good value for money. Our uniform affords parents and/or carers with the flexibility of being able to purchase most items from regular high street retailers of their choice. We have purposefully kept the number of branded uniform items to a minimum.
Uniform Expectations
Please make sure you order any uniform with enough time for it to be with you before the start of the new academic year.
Uniform Expectations – additional guidance
All items of clothing must be clearly marked with the owner’s name – please check regularly that the name is still visible so any lost items can be claimed or returned by/to the rightful owner.
Where there are genuine reasons why pupils are not in the correct uniform pupils will be supported by our staff and we will contact families to explore a positive way forward.
· White polo shirt/Blouse/Collared Shirt – must be worn tucked in. Can be both long sleeved or short sleeved.
· Shoes, trainers or boots – must be wholly black with no white or coloured markings. Please note that any style of plimsolls, sandals, flip-flops, dolly shoes or high heeled shoes are not permitted.
· Jewellery – the following items are permitted: a watch, plain silver/gold stud earrings , a small object of religious significance (such as a crucifix on a chain) and a single ring. No other jewellery is permitted in the interest of safety for all pupils. Were students already have facial or other piercings, a clear plastic retainer should be worn during the school day. All jewellery/piercings must be removed in physical education (PE) for health and safety reasons.
· Hair – should be of a natural colour. Where dyed, hair should still be a natural single colour. No extreme fashions are permitted. If longer than collar length, hair should be tied back in situations where it could cause danger to the individual or others, such as in PE and other practical lessons.
· Make-up/Nail Varnish – any make up worn should be discrete. Nail varnish is permitted as long as the pupil/student accepts that they will be asked to wear gloves in certain subjects (e.g. Food and Science). No false nails / acrylics of any kind are permitted.
As a school we are sensitive to the needs of all our pupils, whether those needs be related to disability, a special educational need (SEN), culture, race, religion etc. We will always act sympathetically and make reasonable adjustments in accommodating these needs and will work with the pupil and their parents and/or carers to explore a positive way forward so that all pupils feel part of the community.
PE Kit
Games and PE are an important part of the curriculum. Pupils are not permitted to participate in PE in their school uniform. We have tried to keep PE kit items to a minimum, whilst also considering the appropriateness of the kit to different PE activities.