The School Day
The School Day:
8.30: Parental Drop-Off / Taxi or Mini-bus drop off
8.45-9.15: Nurture Breakfast (to include am registration)
9.15-10.00: Lesson 1
10-10.45: Lesson 2
10.45-11.00: Break
11-11.45: Lesson 3
11.45-12.30: Lesson 4
12.30-12.45: DEAR (Drop Everything and Read) (to include pm registration)
12.45-13.15: Lunch
13.15-14.00: Lesson 5
14.00-14.45: Lesson 6
14.45-14.55: Reflection/Home time
On Fridays, the school day will end earlier with a half hour celebration assembly from 13.10-13.30