KPI 2: Preparation for Adulthood
Our aim is to ensure that all learners who attend The Promise School leave with the skills, knowledge, abilities, understanding, qualifications and capacity to succeed as lifelong learners and valued members of society who contribute positively to the community. Our high-quality nurture provision will support learners to develop socially and emotionally to re-engage positively in learning. Our priority focus will be to secure accelerated progress across the core curriculum for all learners, with the attainment and progress gap being narrowed for all. It is expected that, as learners progress through KS4, they will achieve a wide range of Level 1 (and, where appropriate Level 2) and other appropriate qualifications to support their transition to post-16 education, employment or training.
90% of lessons to be good or outstanding. Central to the academic aspirations of The Promise School is the expectation that teaching is consistently of the highest quality to inspire learners to re-engage positively with learning.
95% of learners to make expected or better than expected progress in English and maths across all key stages (including phonics). Progress will be judged in relation to baseline starting points (and, where available, prior attainment and progress data from referring schools and FFT data).
100% of KS 4 learners to have access to Entry Level, Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications in English and Maths (according to ability), with additional optional qualifications in other subjects. The options available will be wide ranging to support aspirations of young people in securing appropriate transition to a wide range of local post-16 opportunities.
At least 80% of KS 4 learners to gain a Level 1 or 2 qualification in English and maths.
(*A measure for KS2 attainment once initial learner baseline assessment have been undertaken)
100% of KS4 learners will transition to mainstream post-16 provision and remain successfully engaged in education, employment or training. At the end of KS4, all learners will be effectively prepared to transition to, and sustain long term placements in, appropriate mainstream post-16 pathways. Bespoke and personalised approaches to preparation for and beyond transition to post-16 education, employment or training, based on well established, successful models of practice within Dartmoor MAT, including partnership work with local colleges and the Careers Service.