KPI 4: Personalised Pathways
All learners will have an EHCP, from which personalised ILPs will outline tailor-made pathways to meet the needs and aspirations of all learners, based on initial baseline assessment information and regular tracking and reviews thereafter. Personalised programmes and interventions will target priority gaps in skills, knowledge and understanding within academic and personal, social and emotional development areas. As appropriate, interventions will be supported and / or delivered by specialists including speech and language therapists, counsellors and mental health practitioners (school based / CAMHS), other health professionals, educational psychologists.
100% of learners on entry to undergo a detailed baseline assessment of academic and personal, social and emotional development with priority needs being targeted within a detailed ILP. The ongoing assess, plan, do and review cycle will be at the heart of enabling accelerated progress for learners, with the timely, graduated support of specialised interventions.
100% of learners to be set personalised learning outcomes. All learners will be involved in the setting of identified learning outcomes that are realistic yet aspirational, time related and focussed on specific subject areas and SEMH and/or ASC needs.
100% of learners to be placed on specific programmes of intervention and support where appropriate. It is expected that the majority of learners on entry will have specific additional needs in literacy and numeracy, alongside other SEMH and / or ASC specific priority areas. Regular and targeted interventions will be developed to achieve specific personalised progress and outcomes.
At least 80% of learners to be on track to meet both their ILP targets and their planned learning outcomes within subject areas and targeted interventions. The effective and timely regular review of ILP targets, coupled with half termly tracking and monitoring of assessment data will be designed to ensure that learners remain on track.